EV Chat

Dr. Nadim Maluf on Lithium-Ion EV batteries

Rue Phillips

In todays fascinating episode, we welcome Dr. Nadim Maluf,  CEO of  Qnovo .  In a way that we can all understand, Nadim educates us in all aspects (soup-to-nuts) of Lithium Ion batteries and their application in Electric Vehicles. We discuss science, battery life,  range, safety and much more.

Everything you need to know about batteries is in this episode. You'll come away from this episode a Lithium-Ion expert.

Welcome aboard ;-)

01:22: About Nadim
04:40: How do Lithium-Ion batteries work ? 
06:56: Failures in battery packs
08:20: Range anxiety
12:48: Lifetime of the battery packs 
15:13: Topping up batteries
16:24: Public and Private Charging
19:22: Scoring public infrastructure
20:22: Reliability of infrastructure 
21:44: Other technologies
22:48: About Qnovo 
24:48: Bi-directional (V2X, V2G, V2H)  
29:08: Recycling 'End of Life' battery packs 
32:30: Safety  


For more show information, or if you would like to be a guest on the show contact me at rphillips@skillfusion.com. Your comments on the show would be most welcome. I read and answer each one of them,

Thanks Again.

Rue Phillips


For more show information, or if you would like to be a guest on the show contact me at rphillips@evmicrotrax.com. Your comments on the show would be most welcome. I read and answer each one of them,

Thanks Again.

Rue Phillips