EV Chat

Graham Brennan Discusses EV Adoption in Ireland and EU Standardization

Rue Phillips Season 1 Episode 7

Our latest guest comes from across the pond, Ireland to be exact. Graham Brennan is responsible for the development and management of SEAI’s Electric Vehicle (EV) programmes which have disbursed €74m in support to help establish the current market of over 35,000 EVs on Irish roads. He was a member of the Government’s Low Emission Vehicles (LEV) Task Force which developed the key policies in place today underpinning the development of the EV market in Ireland.  He is a member of the Executive Committee of the IEA HEV Technology Collaboration Programme.

Previously Graham was responsible for running the Ocean Energy and RE Research & Development programmes within SEAI providing support for the first installations of wave energy, biomass and biofuel technology demonstrators in Ireland amongst others. 

Before joining SEAI, Graham worked for Rolls-Royce Aero Engines on turbine design in Derby, UK and prior to that he worked in the offshore oil and gas sector in Aberdeen.

Graham holds a degree in Mechanical Engineering from National University of Ireland, Galway and a Masters degree in Thermal Power from Cranfield University in England.  

In this episode, we cover several key topics including:
Life as a Transport Program Manager (SEAI) [3:05 - 4:10]
SEAI Sales Report [4:16 - 4:38]
EU Car Maker Regulation(s) [6:13 - 8:07]
EV Classifications in Ireland [8:07 - 8:47]
Where’s Ireland in EV Adoption? [8:47 - 10:50]
Graham’s Take on the Electric F150 [11:50 - 12:18]
An LA Visit Recap & Thoughts on U.S. EV Efforts [12:30 - 14:42]
EV Pop-Up Events & Fleets [14:44 - 15:08]
ICEs & Total Cost Comparisons [15:20 - 16:11]
U.S. Advantages [16:15 - 16:55]
Fast Chargers vs. Level 2 EVSE [17:00 - 17:55]
Home Charging Popularity in Ireland [18:00 - 18:57]
Serviceability & Reliability [19:00 - 20:11]
Energy Authority of Ireland [20:13 - 21:44]
Charging Infrastructure Standards [21:45 - 23:20]
Startup Vehicle Companies [23:46 - 24:46]
Vehicle Importers & EV Supply  [24:57- 26:26]
Avgerage Installation Costs in Ireland [26:36 - 27:25]
Managing Peak Power [27:29 - 27:55]
V2G & Home Energy Management Systems [27:56 - 29:24]
What Keeps Graham Up at Night? [29:26 - 30:09]
Most Memorable EV Milestone Achievement [30:09 - 33:02]
One Last Funny Story [33:05 - 33:46]

Resources mentioned in this article:

  1. More on SEAI
  2. Learn more about EV charging and CCS Standard in Ireland 
  3. The Worldwide Harmonised Vehicle Test Procedure (WLTP) 

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Thank you for tuning into EV Chat and thank you to our sponsor, 365 Pronto! We will see you back here for our next episode.

For all inquiries: rue@365pronto.com


For more show information, or if you would like to be a guest on the show contact me at rphillips@evmicrotrax.com. Your comments on the show would be most welcome. I read and answer each one of them,

Thanks Again.

Rue Phillips